It was a loooong day...but a damn good one! It started at 6am where I headed to MGM Grand to wait in line for 6hrs just to get a stinkin' wristband. Danica and team owner, Tony Stewart, were scheduled to make an appearance in the MGM Grand lobby at 7pm that night. Only
50 wristbands were going to be handed out at 12noon to guarantee a photo with Danica and Tony, and 2 autographed bottles of Coke by both of them. You're damn right I waited. I did the same thing last year at the Palms and that turned out
I was incredibly surprised I wasn't the first one there. I ended up being #11. Still, all that mattered was being within 50. The first group was a family of 3 that literally "camped out" since 3am. WTF?! Behind them was a married couple who were Tony fans. The next guy, who I called "Zoom Lens", was a freelance photographer. The next married couple were from Utah and were hardcore Tony fans. The next couple after that was from Kentucky who were also Tony fans. Then there was me. Behind me was another married couple of Tony fanatics from Pennsylvania. As you can see, I was the only hardcore Danica fan within the mix most of the time. Anywho, the line definitely surpassed 50 (close to over 100), and we waited for those damn wristbands to be handed out. We were kinda complaining about how, if MGM/Coke was only handing 50 wristbands out, why bother waiting until 12noon?! The line was at 50 by 10am. Just hand out the 50, everybody after 50 was S.O.L., and we can go to LVMS to watch some racing, ryt? Of course not. Another reason for me to enjoy Pepsi.
While in line striking conversations with all the folks around me, the Pennsylvania couple was wondering how they were going to get to the track in time for the Nationwide race. I volunteered to drive them up there since I, also, wanted to see this race. I asked them to excuse my driving style ahead of time since I knew I would make sure I'd get to watch that race. Bought the damn tickets for it, I
AM making this race. After we got our wristbands at 12noon, we raced to the parking lot to the mighty "Fujiko" (2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser TRD Special Edition) and I zipped through traffic on the I-15 getting to LVMS in 10 mins. Ha! Dropped the "Pennsylvanian's" off at the front of the track at 12:25p. The race starts at 1:15p. Skills...
I knew I had to get to MGM Grand fairly early to make sure I didn't have to rush or miss any opportunities for "DanicAl" before the scheduled 7pm appearance. So I left LVMS at 4pm and got back to MGM at 4:30pm. Relaxed, played a little blackjack, and walked around MGM Grand. By 5pm, the lobby was full of people hovering around the lobby's center. All I could do was stand there and people watch. When Danica and Tony finally hit the lobby stage, there was no room to move. It was wall-to-wall full of humanity. Little did all the "llamas" know, only 50 people get to meet Danica and Tony. As the 50 wristband-wearing folks were called to line up, we talked about the Nationwide race and found out the family of 3, who camped out at 3am, sold one of their wristbands for $1,000! We were then told ahead of time that the Coke people will take the photo, and that Danica and Tony would not be signing anything brought to them. Lame. Anywho, all that mattered for me was my annual "DanicAl" photo.
As I finally got up to Danica and Tony, I first addressed Danica (of course) and said, "Hey, you!" and she said, "Hey, you...I know you!". I then asked, "Been a while, huh?" and hugged her and she replied, "Yes, it has!". She smelled lovely. I told her I needed my annual DanicaFanboy photo with her and she laughed. Then I walked over to Tony to pay homage and they were both laughing as I was bowing down to Lord Stewart. I told him "Thank you for giving my girl the chance to race Sprint Cup.", and Tony smiled and shook my hand. We posed for the photo, and I wished the both of them good luck tomorrow. I got my photo and signed Coke bottles. Mission accomplished.
Signed Coke bottles!
Guess who's drinking Coke Zero now?
Yup...a sucker born every minute. |
Finally! DanicAl with her boss, Tony Stewart!! |
I didn't have the heart to flirt with her. It crossed my mind as I waited in line to greet her. If anything, I just wanted to make sure she was comfortable with me, and that she recognized who I was. And hopefully, she caught on to the fact I got her back in thanking Mr. Stewart for bringing her to Sprint Cup. I know it doesn't get any better than Tony as in a NASCAR "mentor" for her. I can tell just from the way she's been driving as of late she's learning a whole lot from him. I know I will have my chances to flirt as time goes on, and I will know when the right time will be.
It ain't over yet! The weekend saga continues...